Floating Your Way To Optimal Brain Health

Floating Your Way To Optimal Brain Health

As described in our sections on Meditation & Creativity and Stress Relief & Relaxation, floatation therapy has incredible impacts on the brain while inside the float tank. But a perhaps overlooked area might be on the ongoing effects of floating on how the READ MORE

Our Grand Opening Celebration is fast approaching!

Our Grand Opening Celebration is fast approaching!

HuffPost: Losing Our Mind And Finding Our Self

HuffPost: Losing Our Mind And Finding Our Self

As the great Zen teacher Alan Watts said: “We all need to go out of our minds at least once a day. When we go out of our minds we quickly come to our senses.” Have you ever wondered how extraordinary the mind READ MORE

Report from 2012 Portland Float Conference: David Conneely

Report from 2012 Portland Float Conference: David Conneely

“In the province of the mind, whatever a person believes to be real either is real or becomes real.” David Conneely, owner of iFloat in Westport, CT, discusses paying attention to this fact during a float. More presentations from the 2012 Portland Float READ MORE

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