Epsom Salts: Effective Natural Treatment for Sun Burn

Epsom Salts : Effective Natural Treatment for Sun BurnWondering why on Earth someone might be indoors, in a dark room, on a beautiful day like today?

Well, aside from all the usual benefits of floatation therapy (increased endorphins, increased serotonin, increased dopamine, reduced pain and muscle aches, reduced stress, etc.), how about … sun burn treatment!

Did you know that Epsom Salts are considered one of the best natural treatments for sun burn? As well as for conditioning the skin for exposure to sun, so it can actually help with tanning too.

In addition to Epsom salt’s anti-inflammatory, and therefore pain-relieving, effects, skin care expert, Ole Henrikson says, “Epsom Salt has amazing detoxifying properties and melts into the skin. The texture of Epsom Salt is firm, yet very smooth to the touch. This makes the exfoliation process comfortable for all skin types.”

So when you go out and jubilantly over-enjoy the sun, as we Washingtonians are prone to do, remember to head to Oly Float, where you can enjoy an hour-long soak in healing and pain-relieving waters.

Share this with your friends! We have a feeling there may be an inevitable wave of sunburned Walking Dead types come Monday morning.